Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The long road to the lab

I know you have all heard it.
You probably were more aware of it than I, at the time.

Slowly the tick, tick, tick of the life bomb was becoming the steady thud of worn soles on gravel.
The focus had slipped, the authenticity lost, life had started to dictate the terms of the grand work.
When life dictates we are not the engineers of our own meme, instead we become, once again, the subtle sheep of situations.

I have seen the few aspects of the bomb that remained true come to a beautiful fruition. Hurrah for those that reap the benefits, but it is not finished.

I turn my intent now inward. I begin the long walk back to my laboratory, the psychic tower from which I watch, I learn, and I grow.

I hold the rusted key tightly in my bruised palm, knowing that it will turn the lock on that worn door and back to the welcoming rooms of my lair.

The closets filled with the previous fiction suits worn, the war rooms with their rapiers hung on the walls beside weapons designed only in the realm of the mind, and most importantly to my lab.

The lab where the bomb sits quietly ticking, slowly grinding away, in need of the repairs and  attention of its creator.

My long walk back to my lab is almost at an end dearest reader. My focus is greater than ever before, my intent as authentic as the very sun that I imagine every day warming my roses in the yard.

Soon the key will turn, soon I will once again walk the familiar creaking boards of my imagination and will.

 I just got lost for a moment.

Never fear dear friends and conspirators Uncle Maury is almost home.

And he is bringing one hell of a bang with him.

The life bomb count down will start soon, smile, wait, and know it's going to be a thing of beauty.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Where or where is Uncle Morris?

Good afternoon my faithful.

I know I have been away from you for far too long, but alas, like all accomplished scoundrels and grifters, I have a good excuse.

You see the Lifebomb is a process. A set of intrinsic psychic gears and cogs slowly churning into place. Sometimes this pace is so slow as to be imperceptible to the burgeoning fictionaut.
Sometimes is come quickly, so fast as to take you back on your heels with the speed of change.
The Lifebomb, though, is a complicated blend of the two methodologies. After all, we are trying to create the world that we wish to live in, to create the very life that we want for ourselves and those around us. That is no small order indeed.

So, where have I been? you ask.
A very fair question. In fact, it is one that I am happy to answer.

I have been in hell.

Now, I can hear the sudden intake of breath and the questions that you are all saying, some with a carefully crafted string of explicatives.

I will repeat myself, I have been in hell.

You see the Lifebomb that I have created for myself is an all encompassing piece of work. One that I had to take a step back from to allow it to begin it's own evolution into detonation.

In the process of stepping back I had underestimated the various rates that the different cogs would click into their designated positions. Some came quick and with the minor accomplishments that were expected.

Let me tell you the feeling of seeing things start to come to fruition was almost a Dionysian high.

Then came the great pause. As the larger and more dominant pieces sought to come into play a sense of tension grew.

It took me sometime to diagnose the malaise that came over me. I found that the enemy that I have so fought against all these many years was growing stronger. I sought refuge in old ways and doubt.

Yet, I couldn't shake the success of earlier parts.
So, I put my big ol' analytical brain to work. I reread all the works I had created, recharged all the sigils, and went to the journals.

Then it dawned on me. Like a proverbial piano landing on my hero Wiley Coyote, it was the bomb.

This tension, this damnable sense of impending something that was driving me slowly cuckoo for coco puffs was of my own creation.
I was sensing the greater parts starting to slowly churn into play.
Now, how long before the detonation, I have no idea.

It is moving though.

So, the lesson my dearest, is that there will be times of this nagging tension, this building pressure that will dominate your reality for time indeterminable.
Do not give up, do not give in. Persevere, write more, remain focused.

It will come to pass.
We will be who we will ourselves to be...

Till later on.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I know that your dear Uncle Morry has been away fro awhile, but I have returned my beloved friends and conspirators.
This evening I have something on my mind outside of the usual Lifebomb post. In many ways it does tie in, but it is a bit different.
this evening I want to speak to you all about normalcy.

What is normal? Do the fictions that we create define a new form of normalcy?

Let us turn to popular media and zombies shall we?

There has for several years now been a trend in the popular media, written and visual, to have heroes (however anti they may be) that are outside of the accepted norm. We have seen OCD, addiction, psychopathy, sociopathy, depression and even (now) schizophrenia reduced to convenient plot twist and lovable quirks.
Now, by no means do I declare myself sane, but I think we are doing a dis-service in our fictions by the constant downplaying the seriousness of these, or any serious, condition.

We must be mindful in what we create, it must come from an authentic place, and it must be true to those involved.

Examples of the aforementioned

Dexter (main character is a serial killer)
Monk (detective with OCD)
Sherlock (hero describes himself as a high functioning sociopath)
Addiction (media darling Charlie Sheen, actor Robert Downey Jr.)
Schizophrenia (the new show Perception)

And now Zombies.
Zombies are possibly the greatest example of a meta fiction gone wrong that I can think of. I admit to not really understanding the popularity of the adventure/horror/necroporn that has swept the country.
Everyone loves zombies. So much so it seems that it has become a favorite for the occasional nutter to emulate. The news is full of "zombie "attacks lately. They try to blame it on drugs, but the fact of the matter is that drugs aren't to blame. No, it is the ever present meta fiction that we have created. Some are always going to be more susceptible to the work.

So, we do influence the reality around us with our works. We do define the normality of our society.
I am not saying that we can't push boundaries, that we can't write great horror, what I am saying is that we must be cautious what fictions we imbue with energies that we have.
We are capable of great change me droogies. We can create the world we want.
We, however, should not strive for a world of mentally ill necrophiles praying for an apocalypse.

Keep the work personal, keep the rest of it talented, but powerless. Write the great stories you want, but keep the true sigil work true.

Cheers and more on my great work soon.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Good afternoon my faithful friends and droogies.

It seems auspicious that on this day we tackle a subject that needs to be addressed as much as any of the others that we have skimmed ever so lightly over..

Yes, to day we speak of independence.

Independence from the enemy, from the barking dogs of doubt that rattle around in the backyard of our minds.

The work can be a long and arduous process, one that can take us to new places and new insights, and as we have spoken of prior, not all of which will be enjoyable.
Never lose sight of the greater work. As a good friend and fellow conspirator phrased it to me ,"be the grain at the center of the grinding wheel, remain whole whilst the rest is ground away" or as in the philosophy of the Kensai ", let thee storm rage around you, you are the eye, be the center".

It will not be easy, but if it was what value would the work actually hold for us.

"So Morry, how can I be charging the life bomb and still be independent of the work? Doesn't the work require undivided focus?" you ask.

Good question, damn good in fact. I think you've been paying attention, good for you.

Yes, the work requires undivided focus, but one must not let yourself get absorbed into it. We are creating a fiction for ourselves, a life that we want to live. To do that we must maintain perspective or else we just become a cog in the bomb, not the creator.

When we lose perspective the enemy starts to take hold again. He lets loose the dogs of doubt and repetition to roam free amongst our words and to trample the prose we seek to create. When this happens we can no longer see the great fiction, only the life we have now, and only from our limited "why me?"POV. This is what we must maintain an independence from.

You see, we as fictionauts must be aware of what is actually going around us. How else would we be able to judge the results of what is taking place, what is moving forward, so we can continue our plots from actual places in time instead of from the fiction alone. We must be flexible, we must adjust for such a great work.

I will venture a guess that for most of us the fictions that we are creating will affect those around us in some way. If we only focus on the fiction from an inside POV how can we see if others are actually benefiting? How can we see the subtle adjustments to our reality that we are bringing about.

We create from the first self, from authentic places of want, we must always maintain that authenticity. If we lose that place we become sucked into the fiction we lose that authenticity and the dogs, once again, may very well jump the fence, and then we find ourselves back where we started.

No bueno mi amigos and amigettes, no bueno.

So, invest in your lifebomb, believe in it, believe in the work, want it from the authentic places in your soul, but do not let it consume you. Maintain a life outside the work for yourself.

There is nothing more beautiful to see a work of art coming to fruition. Alas, sometimes you can only tell when it is done by taking a step back and viewing it from a distance.

When next we chat dearest ones we will touch base on an unspoken aspect once again, the physical and the energies they can provide.

Till then,

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The work

I am so sorry to have been away so long my friends.

It would seem that your humble host has been caught with his psychic pants down. Yes, the work itself has blindsided me.

To truly create from this place, this place of an honest want, you must be honest with yourself. While I realise that sounds simple, it is not. Ask yourself if you are truly being honest with yourself, and I mean deeply, truly honest. Ask yourself not only about your motives, but about your actions, your fears, and the steps you are willing to take to get to the end of the working.

I have started this wonderful lifebomb project as a multi-facted hypersigil to acheive a lofty goal. The goal is none other than to recreate the very life I live. To bring those around along for the glorious ride and be an example of self creation. All sounds great, right? Sounds like fun?

Well, there are many aspects that are an absolute blast, things and thoughts that are truly amazing. Then there is the otherside.

"But Morry," you ask," you said this would be a fun adventure didn't you?"
In a word, No. I said it would be a grand adventure, and it is.

You have to be willing to accept the fact that there will be some painful moments. Moments that will make you want to doubt, and even abandon the work. There will come times when your confidants will even express their concerns. Well meaning as they maybe, take what they have to say and continue on.

For myself this means coming to a head to head conflict with my own enemy.
I am being given the very oppurtunity to live the fiction that I have written, to be the greater person that I envision for myself. To do this, though, means suppressing bad habits and learned patterns that are destructive to what I want to acheive. They are deeply engrained engrams that are screaming in the back of my mind like a petulant child wanting his way and not getting it.

I will not lie, the situations a personal one, and the one that inspired me to embark on this glorious voyage of the SS Lollipop. It seems a greater pattern of behaviour from past circles has manifested. I have been able to do banishments on a more personaal level, but the greater pattern endures at this time. So, what do I do? Do I let myself fall back into the patterns of action that led me here?

This is the chance that I am being given to prove to myself that I am stronger than that past, and stronger than the negative patterns that have haunted me.

In a sense I am going to relive a very negative time, time travel via pattern repetition. The difference being that I get to rewrite the ending this time.

"How?" you ask.

By living the fiction that I write, by not just wanting and envisioning, but by actually doing and living and believing. In short by being.

I will not lie, at this moment the scars from the past are enflamed and ache with the thought having to do this, but this is the work.

To truly recreate we must be willing to endure the consequences. This is what I wanted, just manifesting in a different way than I had hoped.

Since it wasn't perfect do I abandon it?

No. No, my dear voyagers, like Odysseus we forge on to the grand fictions end.

In ancient times there were three generals on a mountain top. They were playing a game.
A soldier came rushing into the tent and proclaimed ,"It is the end of the world!!!"
The first general ressponded ,"If it is the end of the world then I will go and be with my family in the last hours'
The second general ,"I will go and feast on wine and food and sensuous delights"
The third just shook his head and looked serenely at the other two, "I will finish this game"

I am here to finish the game me droogies. It may suck now, the page always turns.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Greetings again my droogies,
Alas, it is I Morry once again here to astound, berate, and probably confuse you.
Ain't I grand.

So, I have introduced you to who I am.
I have explained a little of what I am trying to do.

So, what am I to say next?
Well, i don't know.

In truth I can say that things are moving an a general direction that I am happy with, but the pace.....
Dear god the pace is soooo slow. After all, you do a work and it just happens right?

Sorry dear friends and conspirators.
A work of fiction that is a s deep as creating the story we want for ourselves, a story that is true to ourselves take time. Both in the creation and the fruition of the work.

Does the fact that it is taking time mean that it will not come to pass, no.

We must one and all be patient and lose the faith in our work. We will be distracted at times, and lose hope sometimes, but this is just the enemy trying to weedle his way back into our lives.

So, take a moment and think about the life you want, truly want, and write a story, do a painting, do (if you must) an interpretive dance if you must. Better yet, do all of them allow them to become integral part s of the machine, of the life bomb.

Find the powder, search out the housing, the mechanism, and the fuse. the light it damn it.

Allow all the parts to work in conjunction, let them move to where they fit, hear the clicking and whirring, and be patient for the explosion of your life.

Don't contain it. Let it cascade out and affect a change for those around you.

By bettering ourselves we can show the way for others.

Anywho, I have one such piece in play. I'll let y'all know how that went on the morrow.

Wish me luck.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Good morning one and all/
It is I your dear friend and conspirator Morris. You may call me Morry if it makes you feel more comfortable. For today's chat may become just a tiny bit uncomfortable, for us both.

Discomfort is good though, fear is good, change is fucking brilliant.

So, today I will speak with you about doubt, sigils, and the infinite joy of this life we love in a state of chaos.

Well, lets start off with sigils and magic.
A sigil is a physical representation of a want or desire that you would like to see manifest in your life. Something real and tangible, some sort of ...well, something.
The people's of the world have been using this sort of psychic technology for as long as we have been able to paint on cave walls as primitives or take crayon in hand and attack the walls of our homes as children.
A sigil requires just that kind of primitive childlike honesty to truly be effective. Drop the "I am a powerful magician, I know the psychological images that hold power for me", it's all shit.
No, what is truly required is the dropping of all pretense. You mus approach the work as an innocent. Use only what truly comes to mind when you think of your desire, your want. Use the images that have the power for that moment.
You may do several and find that they have nothing in common, no similar technique, no rhyme or reason to them at all.
If this happens you are on the right path. You are being honest with yourself. You may proceed brave pychonaut with your work.
Never let yourself fall into patterns because you want the works to look the same.
When you view the works of Spare you will notice that there is very little similar with any of the pieces. He was a master of this

The next bit will be more disquieting, because we aare going to take a brief look at our enemy.

"Our enemy? you ask,"are there sinister forces out there trying to keep us down? Are there rival magic workers employed by the NSA keeping us in check?"
Well, in a word, no.
Admittedly I have no knowledge of the NSA's current endeavors, but they are not the enemy.
No, our enemy is ourselves.
The enemy is within.
When you start such a work you will feel empowered. You will feel as though you have finally taken control of your life and where it's going. I know that this is how I felt. Powerful.
Then he speaks to you, the enemy, the voice inside that tells you that things can't change, that you are deluding yourself.
Yes, the enemy is us, our own doubt and fear of failure or change.
It is a powerful foe, and one that we can never truly defeat.
We do not, however, have to give in. Fear is good, change is better, and we can use one to move the other forward.
If you dear something will not come to pass, move forward, keep the work going. You WILL see little things along the way. Somethings do not come easily or quickly, but that does not mean that they will not be.
Have faith in yourself and your true power. Come from that place of want, be true to yourself and you can make it happen.
Trust the story you are writing, your life, just be true to it.

So, what of this joyous life of chaos. It is what it is. Live it, guide it, write it.

Or it will live you.

It is time for us all to wrest control from the images and doubts that plague us and to create our own beautiful ones to live.

More later